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Wheel of the Year Online Ritual & Monthly Magic box

Trusting the flow of nature's rhythm, letting each cycle guide and renew the soul


Spring Equinox Online Ritual & Monthly box of Magical spring offerings 

Celebrate the season of Growth & awaken our senses.  This Spring equinox box is handpicked magic for renewal and rebirth.

Spring usually comes with a much needed breath of fresh air and a boost of energy!   With spring equinox fast approaching I have been feeling into that flow of what this energy is bringing and the best way to flow through it!


Our spring equinox online ritual is a place to quiet the outside mind and take a breath for you to also see what …


🌱The rush of energy is bringing up for you


🌱What are the relationships, ideas, passions etc you want as a part of your life  for this upcoming year. 


🌱How to make space to nurture the things you want to grow 


🌱Ways to let go of the things you are not wanting to bring forward with you into the new season


This is so important to get clear & in focus, so you are able to use this fast pace, powerful energy to push you past the chaos and into a fulfilling life. 


It’s your life & it’s up to you to create the life you desire!  Spring is full of possibilities so let’s make sure they are what you want 🤍


You will also receive your spring equinox box full of magical spring offerings to work with as we create our spring ritual 🤍


All you have to do is find a quiet space & join us for some spring magic.


Join us for the ONLINE spring equinox ritual retreat:


March 20th 7pm-9pm MST via zoom 



The Virtual Flower Cafe

Step into the virtual flower cafe- your monthly rendezvous to sip on flower essences and discover which blends nurture your soul through the season throughout the wheel of the year.

The Virtual Flower Cafe

Studio 369 BLOG

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